Airline industry predictions for 2023

In this report, we’ll explore predictions for the airline industry as we move into 2023. The overarching forecast message is that we can expect to see the airline industry recover and gain momentum in the coming year after suffering at the hands of the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Air Transport Association(IATA) has predicted that the airline industry will return to profit for 2023 as the contained demand for travel maintains bookings, despite the global economy tightening.
What are we expecting for the airline industry in 2023?
Reflecting on the outbreak of COVID-19, and the first of several lockdowns back in 2020, the IATA described the effect on the airline industry as “the largest shock to commercial air travel and aviation since World War II” in their2020 annual review.The graph below illustrates points in time when airlines suffered a decline in growth. It shows that COVID-19 resulted in the biggest decline the industry has seen in years; more so than the global financial crisis in 2007-2008, and the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001.

Source: IATA 2020 Annual review:
Despite this steep decline in revenue, international air travel has most definitely seen a recovery following its COVID-19 lowest point in 2020. This declining trend began to recover in the summer of 2021 when international travel restrictions were lifted, and the demand for international travel followed, especially for short-haul trips and holidays. The IATA in their 2022 annual review predicts that “by the end of 2023, most regions will be at, or exceeding, pre-pandemic levels of demand.” This prediction is a good sign that the airline industry will once again be thriving, and is a good sector to enter for those looking to find their perfect placement.
The future of jobs within the airline industry
Whether you are an aviation professional, someone looking tostart a career in aviation, or you are just intrigued by the sector – we are all wondering what the future will look like for the airline industry. After a turbulent couple of years, there are many predictions as to what the future of jobs within the industry will look like.
We will see an emergence of new airlines in 2023
Despite airline passenger traffic reaching a new low, Forbes predicts that entrepreneurs have, and will continue to show, considerable interest in the aviation sector. But what is it about the current climate that is attracting these entrepreneurs to start new airlines?
- Some airlines have been forced to return or cancel orders of aircraft, which means they can be procured for a lower price to allow manufacturers to move stock. New start-up airlines can take advantage of these low prices.
- The overall cost of running an airline has fallen significantly.
- New airlines will be able to employ experienced aviation professionals in need of work who were furloughed or made redundant as a result of the pandemic.
These start-ups are good news for job seekers within the airline industry as they offer an abundance of roles and opportunities for a multitude of skill sets and abilities.
Job roles within the airline industry will evolve in 2023
Deloitte recently published a report on the airline industry called The future of work in airlines: recover and thrive in the next normal. In this report it is suggested that whilst COVID-19 has been a huge disruptor for airlines, they can“seize this opportunity to fundamentally re-think the business from the ground up in order to thrive in the ‘next normal’ and face future disruptors.”
This thinking suggests that changes we have seen happen within the airline industry to accommodate passengers during the pandemic are here to stay, but will bring new opportunities with them in terms of work.
In order for the airline industry to tackle post-COVID-19 practicalities and position their organisation for longer-term growth, job roles will need to be adapted and created to meet the “new normal”. According to an article from this IATA, Travel recovery hints at profitability in 2023, from 2021 – 2022 the airline industry saw a 4.3% increase in demand for jobs. This is good news for the industry, and for those looking to break into it.
What is a good entry-level airline job?
The good news about the aviation industry is that there are many ways in through training, as well as some jobs being suitable for those with transferable skills. An airport may be the perfect working environment for you whether you’re an experienced aviation engineer, a professional with experience in another field, or someone looking to take their first steps in an airline career with a training program.
What types of roles are available in the airline industry?
If you’re considering a job within the airline industry, here are some roles that you might want to consider:
- Pilot and co-pilot
- Air traffic control
- Flight/cabin attendant
- Airline ticket agent
- Reservation service agent
- Passenger service agent
- Meteorologist
- Baggage handler
- Administrative jobs
- Cleaning jobs
- Hospitality, shops, and other types of airport jobs
- Aeronautical engineer
- Aircraft Mechanic
- Airport police
- Security
- Airport planner
- Airfield operations specialists
Find a job in the airline industry with PPR
Here at PPR, we can help you find out more about working in the airline industry, why not check out our 5 reasons why you should work in the airline industry here.
If you’d like to find out more about working in the airline industry, contact PPR today. Call us on 01895 808188or send us a message online.