Find a recruiter

When you’re looking for employment, one of the best things to do is to find a recruiter. Recruiters will help you to find the most appropriate jobs for your skills and experience. They will find current vacancies that match your skillset and arrange interviews. First, however, you need to find a recruiter that’s a good match for you.
How to find a recruiter
Finding a recruiter to match your skills is an important part of improving your career. Firstly, you could carry out some internet research to see what recruiters are out there. This can be done based on your geographical location and on the types of work you want to do. Google searches such as ‘recruiters south east England’ or ‘recruiters construction’ are a good starting place.
Once you’ve started your research, you may find that you need to further narrow down your search. If you’re searching for south east England and the scope is too wide, perhaps try using your town or county in your searches. The same applies to your specialist industry. If recruiters construction is too broad, perhaps try using the specific jobs within construction that you’re searching for such as groundwork, civil engineering, bricklaying etc.
You can learn a lot about the employment possibilities through online searches. During your research, you will probably also discover that it’s a good idea to work with a recruiter that specializes in your industry.
Benefits of working with a specialist recruiter
Working with a specialist recruiter is an excellent way to find the best vacancies within your specific area. Specialist recruiters have years of experience and will have contracts across your chosen sector. This will enable them to provide you with the best chance of securing your next role.
Specialist recruiters will also place more of an emphasis on their clients. This means that you will receive a bespoke service to match your requirements. Expert industry recruiters often act as the connection between large scale project managers and company owners and skilled workers. Once you’ve signed up with a specialist recruiter, it’s likely that you’ll get repeat contracts from them, and your CV will be provided for other suitable vacancies.
PPR industry expertise
At PPR, we work in a selection of industries as specialist recruitment consultants. As mentioned above, as a specialist recruiter, we have built a network of industry companies and employees enabling us to connect business with the most suitable workers and vice versa. Click on the links below to find out more about the areas in which we work.
Each of these sectors is highly specialist but also has much crossover. For example, an airport electrician may also work within construction or in the rail industry. Similarly, telecoms engineers sometimes have skills and experience that can be transferred to the construction and industrial sectors.
Specialist employee support
At PPR, we treat each employee on an individual basis and conduct in-depth interviews and vetting to ensure that we only work with the best people within the industry. This helps to us to build an outstanding database of employees to fill vacancies in a variety of sectors. It also assists our professional clients in finding the most suitable candidates for any positions they are advertising.
Most importantly for you, our specialist employee support system provides a thorough process of employment at every stage. From initial interviews through to employee placement, worktime support and on-site introductions, to offering repeat work and new contracts, the experts at PPR are always available to advise.
If you work within one of our specialist sectors and you’d like to find out more about working with PPR, get in touch today. You can call us on 01895 808188 or send us a message online and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.